Dan is an experienced senior project manager with over two decades of experience, having led projects for commercial, residential, higher education, and renewable energy clients. His key responsibilities include certifying that the design and construction for renewable energy sites meet standard engineering and construction practices, managing the submittals and approvals through the government review agencies having jurisdiction, providing hydrologic analyses, and providing value engineering review.
Dan thinks ‘big picture’ and designs sites to minimize grading and achieve an earthwork balance while keeping the passive use of the sites in mind. He has experience supervising multiple staff members, coordinating multiple phases of projects, managing budgets, reviewing civil engineering works, performing site reconnaissance, and managing construction for multiple projects to meet client project and budget goals.
When not thinking about Renewable Energy projects, Dan enjoys spending time outdoors with his family, cooking on the grill, and working around the yard. Dan also began adopting rescue dogs in college and has never not lived with at least one dog since then. His current rescues are a beautiful deaf hound dog and little poodle mix.
Where did you grow up? Outside of Harrisburg, PA
What was your first job? I worked as a dish washer at Bob’s Big Boy
What’s your favorite sports team? Always have to go with the Hokies!
What’s something about you many people don’t know? I lived in Saudi Arabia for a few years when I was a child.
If you were not a civil engineer, what would you be? I think I would be in the food industry. I love cooking, grilling, and smoking and think a food truck would be a lot of fun.