Stormwater projects included storm drainage retrofit and upgrades to address flooding issues primarily within street right-of-ways. Two reports were prepared to quantify existing flooding and the evaluation of estimated costs for purchase, infrastructure improvements, and floodproofing options. Most involved capital improvement projects for culverts, closed systems, swales, ditches, and natural channel design. In the scoping phase of the project preliminary budgetary estimates were completed to aid the town in setting funding allocations for each task order. Surveys were completed to establish base mapping along with SUE work to establish existing utility depth at critical locations. Existing conditions site hydrologic and hydraulic analysis was performed to determine stormwater system inadequacies and conceptual alternatives prepared along with preliminary construction costs for each alternative. Geotechnical and structural design was provided for retaining wall, oversized infrastructure boxes, and special headwalls.
Timmons Group staff worked with the Town for final design selection. Construction drawings were developed that included stormwater plan and profiles, utility relocation plans for water, sewer, and dry utilities, traffic vehicular and pedestrian control, erosion control, and construction details. Dry utility coordination was coordinated with PSNC Gas, Duke Progress Energy, AT&T, and Spectrum. Permitting with the State of NC Land Quality, USA Corps of Engineers 404, NCDWR 401 permits, and Buffer Authorization were performed on projects. Temporary and permanent easement documents were completed and recorded. Project manuals, bid tabs, and specification were prepared. Assistance was provided through the bidding process that included conducting pre-bid meetings and preparation of addendums addressing contractor questions, bid recommendations and certifications. Construction administration assistance was provided through bi-weekly construction meetings, pay application approval, conflict resolution, and construction closeout.
Projects under this on-call include:
- Manchester Stormwater Study
- Copperleaf Study
- USA Baseball Fields 2&4 Field Renovations Erosion Control Plan
- Ellynn Drive Emergency Storm Drain Repair
- Cozy Oak Storm Drainage Improvements
- Thomas Brooks Volleyball Courts
- Dunham Park SCM