Rockingham County commissioned Timmons Group to prepare a master plan and development plan for Innovation Village at Rockingham (formerly Rockingham Center for Research and Technology). Timmons Group prepared this plan while working closely with representatives of the County, members of the community, local stakeholders and partners to evaluate and revise the existing master plan, propose appropriate phasing, recommend financing strategies, as well as suggest recommendations for a course of action to successfully market and sell/lease the Innovation Village at Rockingham. Although a conceptual plan was established for Phase 1, the County recognized that the current plan needed to be customized to meet a wide variety of specific user’s needs. The new concept being prepared by Timmons Group comprises a market appropriate mix of uses in a variety of building sizes and heights in a “village” and/or “campus-style” setting, with such elements as street-oriented storefronts, outdoor eating and dining, and outdoor public amenities as in trails and seating areas. Since Timmons Group was brought on early in the site’s early stage of development, we have the advantage of proposing flexible site layouts, dynamic purchase/lease arrangements, and creating a master plan that incorporates additional properties in the area.