Timmons performed civil engineering and surveying services for both the owner/developer on the project, Apex Clean Energy, and the EPC contractor, Barton Malow, to support a utility scale wind project that lies adjacent to State Highway 47 just north of the town of Gibson City, Illinois. The project consisted of (43) GE 2.82-127 WTGs and has a name plate capacity of 120 MW. The civil engineering scope included performing the existing road and culvert inventories, non-destructive pavement analysis, detailed civil engineering plans, a flood and scour analysis prepared with Flo-2d software, preparation of the SPCC, SWPPP, record drawings and detailed grading plans for the O&M site, substation pad, and laydown yard. Timmons Group also prepared the American Land Title Association (ALTA) survey for the owner and performed construction staking for the EPC contractor.