Timmons Group was the lead Civil Engineering consultant on two separate one-million square foot Fulfillment Centers that were constructed simultaneously in Central Virginia for Amazon.com. Our firm provided comprehensive engineering, surveying, environmental permitting, geotechnical oversight, landscape architecture, and infrastructure consulting and design for Seefried Properties and USAA Real Estate Company. The sites plans for each of these facilities were “fast-tracked” through very sophisticated processes in less than 30 days. The building permits were similarly expedited in advance of General Contractor Selection so that each project rolled from advanced land disturbance approval to pad construction. Timmons Group provided support to both Chesterfield County and Dinwiddie County in their pursuit of these major, confidential economic development projects. Our team also worked diligently with the Commonwealth of Virginia to allow for smooth negotiations, allowing for operations to begin in time for the 2013 holiday season.
Dinwiddie County Fulfillment Center
The Dinwiddie Centeris a $55 Million “non-sort” Fulfillment Center in the nearby Dinwiddie Commerce Park. Although our involvement in Dinwiddie only started in late 2010, our team was instrumental in helping land the project as well as shepherding the environmental permits, infrastructure upgrades, and site plan through the fast track process in advance of the real estate closing. The Timmons Group team inherited a master plan that was completed a number of years ago for Dinwiddie County. We supported the County and the Commonwealth of Virginia in the confidential negotiations and cleared all surveying, design, and environmental permitting challenges as they arose. We then provided engineering, surveying, geotechnical oversight, and permit compliance services for the project.
Chesterfield County Fulfillment Center
The Amazon “sort” Fulfillment Center is located in the heart of the Meadowville Technology Park (MTP), and represents a $100 million investment in Chesterfield County. Timmons Group has partnered with Chesterfield County on every step in the development of MTP over the past 15 years. We assisted with the initial environmental evaluations and permitting, property negotiations, master planning, infrastructure development and the recently completed Interstate 295 Interchange. Our team readied the design of over two miles of interior, 4-lane road and waterline concurrent with the site plan approvals, and managed the infrastructure construction to complement the construction of fulfillment Center.