
The role of the Civil Engineer of record in a typical design-build or public-private partnership project is a critical one. Civil engineering design controls the contractor’s mobilization to the site, and the civil engineer’s role in early design and permitting items related to erosion and sediment control, stormwater management and environmental permitting sets the stage for overall schedule compliance. Timmons Group’s engineers understand the urgency of the design-build process and the importance of delivering projects efficiently and on schedule. All staff is trained in programs developed by the Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA).

In addition, we are honored to have received multiple DBIA awards for several of our projects including the Pentagon Renovation, the Social Security Administration National Support Center, the Rolls-Royce Advanced Aerofoil Machining Facility, the SCI Benner Township Correctional Facility, the Main Exchange Replacement at National Naval Medical Center, and the Military Department Investigative Agencies Headquarters.


WMATA Silver Line, Rail Yard and Parking Structures
NCDOT Express Design-Build
Bladen County Detention Center
Mist Lake Water Management Complex Bridge Design
Hanover County Courthouse
Fulton Gas Works Due Diligence / State Brownfield Assessment
Duke Beltway/Downtown Trail Phase I/II ESA
Prince George Pump Station
Zion Crossroads Wastewater Plant Effluent Relocation
Silver Line Parking Structures
James River Water Project
Fredericksburg Infrastructure Upgrades