
The City of Chesapeake was interested in conducting a drainage study of the Norfolk Highlands area within the Indian River Watershed. Timmons Group was tasked to identify existing drainage concerns and propose prioritized improvements to upgrade the existing system to provide adequate capacity. The project began with Timmons Group discussing with the City previously identified problem areas and investigating existing conditions by performing a field investigation. From that information, Timmons Group prepared a stormwater model and an Existing Conditions Report which identified areas of concern and stormwater infrastructure issues including maintenance problems and capacity constraints. After discussing the Report with the City and receiving input from the neighborhood residents, Timmons Group examined opportunities to provide drainage improvements, reducing flooding and water ponding throughout the neighborhood. Improvements were recommended based in their ability to improve conditions in the 5- and 10-year storms and their cost-effectiveness. A Draft Master Plan document was presented to the City in March 2019 with a Final Master Plan submitted in July 2019. The City hopes to move forward on recommendations from this work.